Monday, December 13, 2010

Salvation Army's Angel Tree final project

This piece is a 14”x12” handout that folds out into a poster.
Bleed: .125
Margins: .25
The purpose of this piece is to promote the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree that they have every year.  This piece will be good for a handout, and also to give to local businesses to hang on their wall.
Target Audience: Adults with a giving heart.
Call to Action:  This piece is to inform people of the Angel tree, and to encourage them to want to go to a local merchant to pick an angel off the tree.  This piece also has several local area Salvation Army locations listed for anyone needing assistance or wanting to donate money.
Images:  All images were done by my myself, except for the Salvation army logo which I have permission to use for this project.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Publication Ad

Target audience:  Horse owners that receive Horse Illustrated magazine.

Call to action:  Is to remind the people about the quality and natural ingredients in Finish Line products.  This will promote them to want to purchase a Finish Line product.

Full Page ad:  Trim size is 8.375" x 10.875", Live area is 7.875" x 10.375", Bleed is 8.625" x 11.125"  This gives it a .125 bleed and a .25 margin.  The publication will cost $4,990.  The format has to be a PDF.  The color mode has to be CMYK processed color only.

1/3 Page ad:  Trim size is 2.31" x 9.75" with a .125 bleed and .25 margins.  This ad will cost $2,445.  Format and color mode are the same as full page ads.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Variable Direct Mail

 8"x5" postcard
variable data direct mail piece
.125 bleed
.25 margins

Target Audience:  Martial artists that are SWAT members and that are interested in competing in the Southeast Kansas Martial arts Tournament

Call to action:  To pre-register or show up at the tournament.

All images and photos used were done by myself.

Friday, November 12, 2010

68th Four State Regional Technology Conference, November 11th 2010
Social Media – Instruction on Emerging Tools to do Business

Wells Hall presented a wonderful presentation on social media.  He started off by showing us a short video interviewing different students and staff on different subjects related to social media.  This included what their definition of social media and social networking.  Mr. Hall defined social media as “the ability of people to communicate with each other”.  Social networking is the “ability of people to network to other people by sharing ideas”. 

Mr. Hall then went on to discuss the internet.  The first time he use the World Wide Web, he said it was very emotional and that he didn’t know what was out there.  Mr. Hall told us a little bit of history, starting off with the Iran election of the new dictator.  During this government election the Iran government had a censorship on all forms of publication, but people used their cell phones to tweet information so others would know what was going on.  “People have a voice”. 

Mr. Hall then told us about connectivity and the 6 degrees of separation, which is a human web of connectivity.  Everyone in the world is six steps away from others on the planet.  See illustration. graphic

Convergence is like the snowball effect.  The examples Mr. Hall gave us was:  British singer Elaine Page, who is known for her wonderful voice; and Susan Bayle who was just another nobody.  Susan Bayle was on a talent show sung beautifully and the next day her performance was on YouTube.  Over 60million people viewed it within a few months.  Her album which featured the song “I Dream a Dream” was the best selling album of 2009. 

Mr. Hall then moved to the history of printing and communication, starting with Gutenberg, who invented moveable type.  The greatest thing every made.  Gutenberg was named #1 man in the last 1,000 years.  Farnsworth the father of television was also discussed.  He would read books all the time.  One day he read how the television was not working out, and he solved the problem. 

Where does social media fit into education?  Art? History? Science?  The answer is social media fits everywhere in all subjects.

Applying social media to a business steps are as followed:
    Plan - You need goals and a team.
    Listen – Official sites and fan sites.
    Participate – Create profiles, follow and join.
    Evaluate – What is negative and what is positive.
Respond – Send thank you notes, for an unhappy customer you need service recovery, monitor, and always provide correct information.
    What should we teach children of these concepts?  Should we just give them the tools and say go for it.  No, we need to teach them to be imaginative and creative and to make the tools they need for themselves.  An example Mr. Hall gave us was, who are a large online printing company that created their own tools. 
    Mr. Hall closed with the new renaissance, “what once fit in a room now fits in your pocket, and in a few years what now fits in your pocket will be able to fit in a blood cell.”

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Newspaper Ad


             I created this newspaper ad to help the Mall Deli get more customers or encourage previous customers to come back.  My target audience is college age and older retired adults in the Pittsburg Kansas area.  These are the people who would most likely read the Collegio newspaper, where the add is to be published and be close enough to Pittsburg to use the coupon within.  I expect the reader to cut or tear out the coupon and bring it to the restaurant for a free drink with a food order.  The budget for the ad was no more than $100.00.  I decided to create an ad, 3 column inches by 6 inches which comes to 5.75 inches by 6 inches.  Total spent was $72.00 with $28.00 left over that can be used at another time.
            The idea to use the Mall Deli came to me while I was sitting in the restaurant waiting for my food, and a couple walks in about college age.  Although this is a well know establishment I thought any company could use a little boost in sales.  I started with designing their new logo, which is on their sign outside the Medowbrook Mall.  They still use the old logo on some things, but I think they will slowly weed it out.  They are now called the The Deli rather than The Mall Deli.  The Deli logo was designed in Illustrator, and is very close to the fonts used on their sign.  I drew the drink cup with ink, and scanned it in the computer.  The cheeseburger I traced it with the pen tool over a photo in Illustrator.  I made some changes so it didn’t look so much like the photo, then I added the seeds since The Deli’s cheeseburgers have seeds on the buns.  I later decided on putting a box with dotted lines around the coupon.  My ad previously said “bring this ad for a free drink with a purchase of any meal”.  I changed it to “bring this coupon for a free drink with a purchase of any meal”.  I am very well aware that most people are not going to get up go find some scissors, and cut the coupon out,  I believe the dotted lines will catch the viewer’s eye and cause them to want to use the coupon.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Note Pad project

Word Matrix

 PDF proof of final design

The purpose of the design I have created, is to get the attention of teenagers ages 14 to 18.  I would like it to draw them in, and think about the PSU Graphics and Imaging department.  Most teens have either a cell phone and/or IPod; those that don't think they are cool and want one.  I decided to use one of these objects for my design.  I started by listing what teens like, and what they like to do.  I interviewed Carissa Byers who is one of my friend's 14 year old daughter.  I asked her what she liked, and what would she like to see on a notepad.  Carissa answered that she likes cars, texting, music, and going to football games.  This brought me back to the cell phone and IPod idea.  This would require texting or music to get the viewer's attention.  I did three thumbnails of an IPod, and seven thumbnails of a cell phone.  I then decided to pick one IPod, and one cell phone to make my two rough sketches.  After I drew my roughs, I decided to go with the cell phone.  The kind of cell phone I sketched is a blackberry, which is one of the more popular cell phones for texting.  I created a large talk bubble above it with all kinds of different texting abbreviations.  I highlighted the text so the user can easily write over it.  In big letters in the center I put football game at 8, thinking back to what Carissa said about how her and her friends like to go to football games.  The bubble idea I got from a book my daughter reads called Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  I decided not to use any lines, and let the person using the pad determine where they want to write.  Some of the elements of design I considered in this design were: space, balance, shape, and value.  The realistic shape of the phone is made to catch the person's eye.  The bubble is a combination of positive and negative space, but is light enough in its value to let the person write over it.    I choose to let the bubble be asymmetrical in balance (off to one side), rather than putting it in the center of the page.  By doing this I believe I have made the design more interesting.  The principles of design I considered were:  unity, contrast, emphasis, and functionality.  There is unity between the phone and bubble, because they relate to talking and texting.  The text used inside the bubble, and on the phone is close to the sans serif font used for texting.  The PSU Graphics and Imaging Technologies, and the web address is also used in the same sans serif font.  The contrast of the phone draws the reader to look at it, and makes this the focal point.  The emphasis is starting at the phone and following the bubble up and around, then ending with PSU GIT  and the web site.  A viewer might also start at the phone and go downward to PSU GIT, then back up to the bubble.  Either way PSU GIT is getting viewed, and that is part of the function of the notepad.  I believe this notepad is interesting enough for a teen to want to pick it up and take it with them to use.